Sunday, November 13, 2011

Three thoughts

First, the joy of talking about my practice with a wider community of kindred spirits with the goal of connecting to the wider community.

Second, the gap between the EPP community and the SFZC community that was identified by the man in the front row and addressed by Christina in her invitation to "just tell us" speaks to creating avenues for closing the gap - person or persons, email addresses, suggestions boxes.

Third, the comment about feeling there are two worlds - the EPP world and the SFZC world - EPP as a satellite to the SFZC mother ship - speaks to not integrating the EPP program into the broader mission of SFZC. Finding the areas of common purpose and comfortable transition. There is a secondary issue in that the EPP community is not monolithic in its interests, motivations and aspirations. This might suggest a layered integration.

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